Wednesday, February 2, 2011


In the distance, there's a laugh you hear
A laugh that once was filled with good cheer
You ask the people whose around
But they hear nothing, not a sound
It's the beautiful laughter that once filled the air
Drifting farther and farther into the dragon's lair
The laughter that encompassed all of your joy
That made others smile, even when they were annoyed
The smile behind the laughter, that could brighten a day
That let people know things will all be ok
But one day the enemy became very mad
He was tired of your smile making others so glad
For your smile was your joy that came from above
It illuminated the light of the Father's love
The thief took it and ran away
Thinking that all he left you was in dismay
But the JOY of the Lord is our strength
Our joy will make the enemy sink
And our Father promises to restore
All that was stolen and so much more
Determined to see your smile once more
You commanded back what was rightfully yours
Those demons trembled but brought it back
Plus other things that were stolen which you lacked
Now your smile is brighter than ever
This joy that's inside, it will leave you, NEVER

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