Wednesday, February 2, 2011


The storm is raging, as lightning strikes
So close to you in the middle of night
It strikes at everything that surrounds
Making you tremble and cower down
You are lost at sea, with no sight of land
Then Jesus walks over and gives you His hand
He makes the waters begin to calm
As He holds up His hands with nail scarred palms
The darkness immediately becomes light
And not far from you, there's land in sight
It was the darkness that made you fear
It blinded you from seeing land so near
The fear of the noise from the lightning's sound
Is what caused you to cower down
This is satan's greatest scheme
To cause your fear to overcome your dream
The dream that God has placed inside
That satan makes the darkness try to hide
He creates a storm and makes it appear
That you have lost all you've ever held dear
But it's just an illusion, that's all it was
That's exactly what the enemy does
He makes alot of noise and plans his attack
To shoot his arrows where your armor lacks
But Jesus is there, He never leaves
We must open our eyes and just believe
So the next time when the noise comes
Put your armor on, don't turn and run

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